About Us
Welcome to Las Vegas Flight Academy located in Henderson, NV just a short drive from the exciting nightlife of the Las Vegas Strip.
What We Do
Las Vegas Flight Academy provides training for professional pilots.
We believe the best pilots are the safest pilots. This philosophy is incorporated into everything we do, every time, all the time. We make pilots better and aviation safer.

Training Devices
LVFA currently offers dry and wet training in our Boeing B737-300 and B737-800 Level D full flight simulators. Our maintenance staff are highly experienced, trained, and motivated to ensure you experience quality training in our Full Flight Simulators. LVFA will be adding additional simulators in the near future.
B737-300 (FAA ID #261)
B737-800 (FAA ID #1168)
B737-800 (FAA ID #2104)
FAA Part 142 Certified
B-737-800 PIC Training:
- Initial Type Rating
- Upgrade
- Removal of a Circling Approach Limitation
- Recent Flight Experience 90 Day Night Landings
- Recency of Experience
- Recurrent Training
- Requalification Training 12 to 35 Months
- Requalification Training 36 to 59 Months
- Differences Training 300 to 800
B-737-300 PIC Training:
- Initial Type Rating
- Upgrade
- Removal of a Circling Approach Limitation
- Recent Flight Experience 90 Day Night Landings
- Recency of Experience
- Recurrent Training
- Requalification Training 12 to 35 Months
- Requalification Training 36 to 59 Months
- Differences Training 200 to 300
- Differences Training 800 to 300
Our Instructors
Our instructors are former airline and military pilots and instructors with average total time exceeding 20,000 hours. They are professionals who consistently deliver high quality training.